FAQ Bolus calculator

The Bolus Calculator does not work on my Android phone, what could be the problem? 

The Bolus Calculator does not work on my Android phone, what could be the problem? 

If the mySugr Bolus Calculator does not work on your Android phone, please check  the following options: 


Everything updated?

Please check if there are any updates available for the mySugr App on your phone.  If yes, please update and try again.


Is everything secure?

In order to keep all of your settings safe and protected, you will be asked to secure your mySugr Bolus Calculator. If your mobile device is already secured with authentication, like a password or fingerprint, this will keep your settings safe. If not, we’ll ask you to set up some authentication throughout your user journey. Simply tap ‘Open Android Settings’ to secure your smartphone. Settings are protected per device via user authentication anytime settings are changed and approved. 

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