FAQs Logbook

Can I use a VPN connection with mySugr?

What a headache! You're trying to create your account, login to your existing mySugr account, or generate a report and the app just isn't letting you! If you are using a VPN connection you may need to turn it off before you can use some features of the mySugr app.


There are a number of VPN addresses that are known to carry a high risk of malicious attack, and therefore they have to be blocked. This means you may not be able to use your VPN connection with the mySugr app. If you have to use a VPN connection, please consider using a VPN that allows dedicated IP addresses. (This is not a guarantee but has worked for some users)


If you're still having difficulties after turning off your VPN, or, you don't use a VPN, please let us know by selecting "Send a request" below or writing to us at support@mysugr.com. We're happy to help!

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