FAQs Logbook

All about your mySugr Insights


This feature called Insight may have you asking a lot of questions, and we'd love to help you answer them! Currently, your mySugr Insights are only available for users who use insulin, who's device language is set in English or German*, and are using an iOS device. 


How much data is “enough” to generate your mySugr Insight notification?

    • Different insights have different thresholds and requirements, though 3 blood glucose values on at least 14 out of the last 30 days is a rough guideline for the required data density to detect patterns to be identified and your Insights to be generated.

Will you be bringing the feature out in more languages and on Android?

    • It will definitely be considered in the future once development resources and priorities are discussed!

How many types of insights are there?

    • There are three types of active patterns (insights) that can be detected: Daytime Variation, High Hypo Risk, Night Basal Issues. More pattern detection could be built into the feature in the future.

Can I get rid of the red dot notification? 

    • Insights are available for 7 days at a time. The notification for that insight will clear after 7 days if there are no more insights. However, if there are new insights the red dot will remain. 

Can a user opt-out of this update or make a custom change request?

    • It is not possible at this time to opt-out of the insights or to customize them. 

*mySugr Insights are not available for users located in Germany

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